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Chad Solar Street Lights

Solar Street Lights Offer The Perfect Solution For Chad

GTILED provides high-quality street lights for the country of Chad. These solar LED street lights function independently with no need for infrastructure changes. Our lights are designed to withstand the environment and weather found in Chad. Accordingly, we are able to offer a robust, long-lasting product, reliable solar light


Premium Solar LED Lighting


 offers lights that are:

  • 100% Grid Independent
  • Designed To Withstand High Winds
  • Designed To Work in High Temperatures
  • Optimized For Lower Maintenance Requirements and Costs
  • we’ve worked on solar street lighting projects around the globe. Our lights are used by municipalities that need fast installation and easy implementation of grid-independent lighting. These needs are generally due to growth in new areas where an electric grid has yet to be established or is challenging to expand.

    A grid-independent system has the advantage of surviving adverse weather events while continuing to provide a reliable source of light.

    Alternatively, we’ve helped cities convert their grid-dependent lighting to the more energy-efficient solar street lighting design to help alleviate existing energy loads. This can help these municipalities meet their environmentally-friendly goals while improving the quality of life for their residents.  Our Stealth solar lights are designed to be easy to install, while also eliminating the need for wiring. This design also helps our light survive harsh weather conditions while reducing maintenance needs.

    Our goal is to provide a reliable lighting solution that has lower maintenance costs with more uptime. Because of our innovative approach, we’ve been able to offer a more efficient system. We rely on patented products that work together in a cohesive design that can save more energy while also offering a longer lifespan. Below is a brief overview of our products, followed by downloadable technical literature with more detailed specifications





